Discussion List
Rows to ColumnsHi, I have been testing out the Rows the Column function. However, it seems to be not pulling throu…
Flattening out / Pivoting / Transforming resultsHi, I'm having an issue flattening out results. Essentially, I have multiple rows for the same cust…
Compare Dates (Verbose) 📅📅Compare Dates (Verbose) [Category: Conversion] This function provides a summary of how 2x input dat…
ℹ How to use Functions in WorkflowsWorkflows Workflows is the area in Data Studio where designer users tend to spend most of their tim…
More detailed manuals/examples/syntaxHello. I'm new to Experian Aperture Data Studio V2. I'm using the documents/help at the Data Qual…
♻ Reusable workflow example – calculate word frequencyToday I’d like to share with you a reusable workflow that I built a little while ago not only as a …
Sneak peak of new data quality offering: Let us know what you thinkHi everyone, In this post I'd like to provide you all with a sneak peak of a new real-time data qua…
Working hours between 2 timestampsHi All, Is there a way to calculate the working hours between 2 timestamps - start date and end dat…
Finance Format Number 💲Summary This package contains a single function but may be updated in the future to include others.…
Percentage functions 🧮Summary This package contains a couple of functions but may be updated in the future to include oth…
📋 Index of reusable Functions! 📇This post simply acts as an index for all the functions shared in this library. If you would like t…
UK Postcode formatter 🏡Summary This package contains a single function but may be updated in the future to include others.…
Use of If-Then-Else logic in Aperture Data StudioImagine you are asked to use Aperture Data Studio to generate a new field for your sales data. You…
Standardise Country 🌎Standardise Country The function uses reference data (contained within the .dmxd file) to standardi…
Why this function is not working when using replace matches?Good afternoon, Could you please help me to undertand why the following function isn't returning th…
A Function with two parameters is not showing up in a workflowI created 2 parameter Re-usable function its working and showing results. When I try to use it in W…
Future Date Check 📅 (Dynamic)Summary This package contains 2x rules: “Is a future date” and “Not a future date” (compared to cur…
Convert Epoch Date/Time to Standard Date/Time ⌚Convert Epoch Date/Time to Standard Date/Time ⌚ This function was inspired by this post and created…
Functions - suggested product improvementHi, When working with a list of functions, every time I edit/publish/share one it returns me to the…
Lookup step returning unexpected valuesHello. I am currently using version I've discovered recently that in one of my workflows,…
Validate Email Domain. Accuracy?Hi, I have the validate email address (domain) function up and running, but I am not sure about the…
Is there an easy way to filter out records which contain a number only (for a given column)?I need to filter out records which contain a number only from an address column. I have attempted …
Repeating Characters 🔁Check for same character repeated This function uses a regular expression to identify records where…
Extract First Word 🥇📝This function extracts the first word in a string, in which all words are separated by space. The f…
Replace the word ‘NULL’ or any non-null space values with null 🔄👻This function replaces the word ‘Null’ (case insensitive) with a null value. For example, if the va…
Extract Last Word 💬🥉 Extract Last Word Version I This function extracts the last word in a string, in which all words a…
FunctionsHi, I'm working with Functions. Re:product development, it would be a really useful to be able to m…
Parse Date 🧽📅Parse Date This function is designed to have flexibility to accommodate all sorts of different dat…
How to highlight null/empty valuesWhen performing exploratory data analysis, or presenting data in grids in a dashboard, you may want…
What "4016: Functions exception occurred" means?Hi, I'm creating a workflow with a large set of validation rules (110 rules and 74 groups) and whe…
How to check if an input value contains numbersIn Aperture Data Studio, in order to check if an input value contains numbers, you can use the Matc…
Calculate the distance between two sets of co-ordinates 🌍️ Summary Returns the approximate distance in kilometres between a pair of geographical co-ordinates.…
Next ⏭️📅 & Previous ⏮️📅 Working DaySummary The 2x functions contained within this package relate to identifying the last working date …
Last day / working date of month 📅Summary The 2x functions contained within this package relate to identifying the last date of the m…
Exact Match with List functionsThere are a number of List functions that may be useful when you are trying to de-duplicate a list …
👋 Introduction to the Functions Library 📂Intro This area of the Community hosts our library of re-usable functions for use in Aperture Data …
Make your own reusable RIGHT function to return a number of characters from the end of a text stringA customer was asking if there is a way to achieve something similar to the RIGHT() function within…
IF then ELSE LogicCan I write IF (Some Condition)THEN (Valid) Else (Invalid) Logic in Aperture? So That in the Output…
👪 Parse Full NameSummary The functions contained within this package are all designed to help you in dealing with na…
Offensive Words 🤬Summary The functions contained within this package all relate to flagging and dealing with data co…
Mask Out Email/Phone 🛡️Summary This package contains 2x functions to help with anonymising certain input values, whilst le…
Proper Case Surname 📛Summary This package contains 2x functions which help with contact data: Proper Case Surname and Va…
Get Word ✂️Get Word Extracts the 'nth' word from a string (where 'n' is defined when the function is executed)…
Reasonable Date of Birth (DOB) 🔞Reasonable Date of Birth (DOB) [Category: Validation] This function simply checks the input seems r…
Standardise Gmail addresses 📧Standardise Gmail addresses [Cleansing] This function is used to help standardise Gmail addresses f…
Job Title Match Key 👨💼👩💼Job Title Match Key The function in this post has been designed to help illustrate an approach (and…
Invalid Character for Names ☹️Summary This package contains 2x functions: Contains Only Valid Characters for Names & Contains…
Convert Boolean ✅❌Convert Boolean [Category: Conversion] This function converts a binary or Boolean values (i.e. true…
Contains Non-Latin Characters 🈯Contains Non-Latin Characters [Validation] This function identifies the presence of any characters …
Reverse String ⏪Reverse String If you find yourself needing to reverse a string (i.e. for bespoke building of anony…