Invalid Character for Names ☹️

This package contains 2x functions: Contains Only Valid Characters for Names & Contains Invalid Character for Names
Contains Only Valid Characters for Names
This function finds records where the field contains only characters which are valid for names. Records which contain digits, commas and other special characters will fail/yield a "false" result. Apostrophes, dashes and periods are not considered "special characters" for this function. This function is designed for use in Validation Rules.
See below for the definition logic of the function along with sample output results:
Note that a variable is used here purely to help illustrate the failure (i.e. the characters left after invalid letters and special characters have been removed)
Please feel free to adjust this function to add any other permitted special characters (e.g. if commas or brackets are valid values in your definition of a 'name')
Contains Invalid Character for Names
Alternatively this function finds records where the field contains characters which are invalid for names. Records which contain digits, commas, and other special characters will yield a "true" result. Apostrophes, dashes and periods are not considered "special characters" for this function. This function is intended for use in filter logic (i.e. to find invalid values).
See below for the logical definition of this function along with some sample output results:
These functions are compatible with all instances of Data Studio from v2.1.11 onwards.