Working hours between 2 timestamps

Hi All,

Is there a way to calculate the working hours between 2 timestamps - start date and end date.

We would like make this calculation for our KPI measures.

We need to exclude the weekend hours as well somehow, so the result should be the exact hours, minutes, seconds.

Let me know if you have any ideas!

Many thanks!

Kind regards,




  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator

    I like this question and think it is possible, but will need some thought. Here is a previous question that might help you get started:

    If your working hours are 9-5 monday to friday, the basic approach:

    1. Function 'Compare date/time' to get difference between start/end dates
    2. Subtract non-working hours 16 hours per day and then 48 hours if there is a weekend between the dates

    Functions 'Get day of week' and 'Get weeks' (week number) will help work out #2.