Discussion List
Compare Dates (Verbose) 📅📅Compare Dates (Verbose) [Category: Conversion] This function provides a summary of how 2x input dat…
What is the best way to deploy through different Aperture Environments, dev -> uat -> prod?We have the following structure for some of our processes (there will also be a prod but the struct…
Finance Format Number 💲Summary This package contains a single function but may be updated in the future to include others.…
Percentage functions 🧮Summary This package contains a couple of functions but may be updated in the future to include oth…
UK Postcode formatter 🏡Summary This package contains a single function but may be updated in the future to include others.…
Future Date Check 📅 (Dynamic)Summary This package contains 2x rules: “Is a future date” and “Not a future date” (compared to cur…
Convert Epoch Date/Time to Standard Date/Time ⌚Convert Epoch Date/Time to Standard Date/Time ⌚ This function was inspired by this post and created…
Repeating Characters 🔁Check for same character repeated This function uses a regular expression to identify records where…
Extract First Word 🥇📝This function extracts the first word in a string, in which all words are separated by space. The f…
Replace the word ‘NULL’ or any non-null space values with null 🔄👻This function replaces the word ‘Null’ (case insensitive) with a null value. For example, if the va…
Extract Last Word 💬🥉 Extract Last Word Version I This function extracts the last word in a string, in which all words a…
Word FrequencyEvery now and then a scenario crops up where it'd handy to know how often a given word occurs withi…
Parse Date 🧽📅Parse Date This function is designed to have flexibility to accommodate all sorts of different dat…
Calculate the distance between two sets of co-ordinates 🌍️ Summary Returns the approximate distance in kilometres between a pair of geographical co-ordinates.…
Next ⏭️📅 & Previous ⏮️📅 Working DaySummary The 2x functions contained within this package relate to identifying the last working date …
Last day / working date of month 📅Summary The 2x functions contained within this package relate to identifying the last date of the m…
Reasonable Date of Birth (DOB) 🔞Reasonable Date of Birth (DOB) [Category: Validation] This function simply checks the input seems r…
Standardise Gmail addresses 📧Standardise Gmail addresses [Cleansing] This function is used to help standardise Gmail addresses f…
Job Title Match Key 👨💼👩💼Job Title Match Key The function in this post has been designed to help illustrate an approach (and…
Invalid Character for Names ☹️Summary This package contains 2x functions: Contains Only Valid Characters for Names & Contains…
Convert Boolean ✅❌Convert Boolean [Category: Conversion] This function converts a binary or Boolean values (i.e. true…
Contains Non-Latin Characters 🈯Contains Non-Latin Characters [Validation] This function identifies the presence of any characters …
Reverse String ⏪Reverse String If you find yourself needing to reverse a string (i.e. for bespoke building of anony…
PCI Detection 💳 (Payment Card Information)Summary The following package is used to detect payment card information (PCI) and whether it is pr…
SIC Conversion 🏷️Summary The following package is used in processing Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes, a…