Aperture Data Studio
Discussion List
Reverse String ⏪Reverse String If you find yourself needing to reverse a string (i.e. for bespoke building of anony…
PCI Detection 💳 (Payment Card Information)Summary The following package is used to detect payment card information (PCI) and whether it is pr…
SIC Conversion 🏷️Summary The following package is used in processing Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes, a…
Challenge 3 - It's a Date!This latest challenge is all about dates. The sample dataset highlights a common challenge many of …
Connecting to a SAP HANA database using Data StudioFrom the Data Studio v1.6.1 release onwards, we've made it easier to connect to a SAP HANA database…
SAML anyone?Hi everyone. Our engineering team is currently working on a feature for Single sign on enterprise …
Sharing of useful functions to support contact data validationHi all, I've found myself using a few functions on a regular basis so thought I'd share them on her…
Challenge 2 SolutionsSo did you figure it out? What approach did you take? Your results should look something like this…
Challenge 3 SolutionsSo did you figure it out? What approach did you take? Post your solution below in the comments (re…
What is the best way to check for the presence of a number value in a field?We often have a requirement from clients to check for numbers in a name field or for name in a phon…
Challenge 1 SolutionsSo did you figure it out? How many records did you find with inconsistencies between Gender and Tit…
Challenge 2 - Title Casing SurnamesDoes it bother you when you get mail through the letter box and your name is not presented with ‘st…
Attention all V1 & V2 users...Today we have launched a new sub category, Migrating from V1 to V2, which contains posts to aid you…
✏️ Challenge Index 🔍Each month we're posting a new challenge for you to have a go at to test your data skills. Challeng…
Challenge 1 - Gender Title Mismatch DetectionThis first challenge is concerned with identifying records that are displaying inconsistent informa…
🏆 How to respond to challenges 🏆Guidance When you've successfully completed a challenge. Make sure you post your solution so others…
💡 Submit a challenge idea 💡We love to hear challenge ideas from our Community members, so if you have an idea that you think w…
How to systematically sample with a fixed sample size and varying population sizeI was recently asked how to build a Data Studio workflow that would output a systematically sampled…
Connecting to an SMTP email server that does not require authenticationData Studio lets you configure an SMTP server connection, which can then be used to send email noti…
Extracting a specific piece of information from an address using regular expressions and lookupsData Studio has several built-in functions to allow you parse strings of text and extract a particu…
How to trigger an e-mail notification if a job failsData Studio has a range of default notification options which allow you to send a custom email to d…
Getting started with Regular Expressions in Data StudioA regular expression (from here on we’ll call them “regex” for short) is a well-known and powerful …