Challenge 1 Solutions

So did you figure it out?
How many records did you find with inconsistencies between Gender and Title?
Post your solution below in the comments (remember to include a screenshot 📷 or a video 🎦 walk-through of your solution so others can see as well as the .dmx file containing the function/workflow containing your solution.)
Sample Solution
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My approach to this challenge was to build a function (see here for a high level overview) that classifies gender-specific titles and then feeds that into a decision to find the mismatches. The approach I took, identified a total of 408 records with mismatches (output summary image here).
However, I did notice (through profiling the combinations of title and gender), that there were some further discrepancies where the title was unknown but the gender was specified (and vice-versa)
See below for a copy of my workflow and function.
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Summary of my approach:
- Start with profiling and exploring the data because it helps us understand the possible values that we need to work with.
- Think of how this could be more maintainable. Build reusable functions that contain the possible values for Title and Gender.
- Explore further on the potential to impute the value of Gender based on the Title or Forename and identify other potential issues with the data, for example, having duplicates.
- In the workflow, connect the source step with the Week 1 challenge dataset. Using the Explore mode profile the columns. Then, check further on the possible values to understand the variety of values we need to work with specifically for Title and Gender.
- Title may be null.
- Title may be unknown, assuming it’s represented by UN.
- There is a gender neutral title: Dr.
- There are female-specific titles: Miss, Mrs, Ms.
- There are male-specific titles: Mr.
- Gender may be null.
- Gender may be unknown: U.
- For the ease of maintaining the the possible values for Title and Gender, create reusable functions as follows:
For example: The "Female Title" reusable function will currently check if the Title is either Miss, Mrs, Ms. There could be other female titles that do not exists in the current batch of data that could potentially be used in future, for example “Madam”. Using a reusable function allows us to maintain this list of values independent of the workflow transformation steps whenever required.
The next step is to simply add a Transformation step to the workflow that makes use of these reusable functions along with the built-in “Is Null” function to represent the state of each row.
For example: To identify Gender Title Mismatch, the function would check for Female Titles with Male Gender or Male Titles with Female Gender.
To check the number of rows with Gender Title mismatch, I use the Explore mode and remove Gender Title Mismatch = false so that only the mismatches are remaining. I get 408 rows.
You can further explore other improvements that can be made to the data, for example:
- If Gender is null or unknown and title is not null, not unknown and not gender neutral, then could we impute the Gender value based on title? (Can we say Mr Ben Wilcock is Male?)
- If both Title and Gender is null or unknown, can we impute the Gender value based on Forename or are there potential duplicates? (Can we say Brian Leaver is Mr and Male? There are many Mr Brian Spring, Mr Brian Richardson, Mr Brian Stocks)
See attached for a copy of my workflow and functions.
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1. After importing the data I used a Group step, by title.
2. Then exported the results of this step to create a second CSV to which I manually added a GenderMatch column with the logic Mr = M etc.
(I'm sure it is possible to replace this step and create the lookup table within the workflow.)
3. I amended the Group step, all columns, to remove any duplicates, leaving ~60k of the original ~99k rows.
4. Used a Lookup step to add a new column mapping the correct Gender for each title based on the second CSV.
5. Filter step to remove all 'U' rows (those where Title is Dr, null or UN)
6. Transform step to add a True/False column comparing source gender with lookup gender.
7. Split step to get all of the False rows where the original gender is not as expected.
There are 2,154 rows where the title does not match the expected gender (including Gender is null or 'U', but Title is known)
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This is the solution we came up with in our breakout team at the Knowledge Cafe session. Thanks @Candice Tsang@YvonneSaulnier, @Romiel Noumbissi, @Jacky Lu and Ashley.
First we explored the example data View, grouping on Gender (to see the unique genders) and the Title (to see unique genders). This showed us the sort of problems we'd need to handle in the gender mismatch logic.
We considered two options:
- Using a domain with valid title / gender combinations, and a function that does a lookup
- Hard-coding values into a function that checks the combinations
In the interests of time, and because we thought it was unlikely that we'd encounter new gender and title values in later updates of the data, we went for the hardcoded option.
We decided to create a saved function called "Check gender and title are not mismatch", which would return true (if no mismatch) or false (for mismatch). We'd then have the ability to use this function as a rule in a Validate step to easily explore failing rows and check metrics for rule failure.
First we created some parameters and test values:
Then we created 3 conditions:
- If the gender is empty (null or whitespace only) or U, there will be no mismatch (Equals check)
- If the gender is M, the title cannot be "Mrs", "Miss", or "Ms". If there is, it's a mismatch (2 Equals checks, And'd together)
- If the gender is F, the title cannot be "Mr". If there is, it's a mismatch (2 Equals checks, And'd together)
We fed these 3 conditions into an If Then Else. Note that I've used variables for each of the 3 output conditions above for readability of the function:
Finally, we saved the function, and used it as a rule in a workflow:
DMX (with the workflow and saved function):
Note: Against all best-practice, we didn't add summaries, descriptions, or documentation to our function or workflow. Ooops 😬
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Step 1: Profiled the data given for Challenge exercise to check the values in Title and Gender columns
Step 2: Applied Transform step (to a new column TitleGender Check_1) to check the exact result on Title column with the condition:
-Set F if the title is Miss/Mr/Ms/Mrs
-Set M if the title is Mr
Step 3: · Compared if ‘Gender’ column is equal to ‘TitleGender Check_1’
- True/False status is set to records depending on the result
Step 4: · Identified Gender mismatches/Gender Unknowns by filtering the rows on below logic
Case 1: Exact Mismatch - 409
Case 2: Exact Match - 95,643
Similary solved case 3 to case 6.
dmx file attached.
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1- I've started with grouping to see available combinations:
2- Then, to be able to use later on, I included all these combinations;
3- I created a new column and function:
4- In the function, I used 4 or conditions to be able to get what I need;
One for M;
One for F;
One for null/unknown ones;
and last one for F/M ones;
And in the end I have 'Title vs Gender Mismatch Flag';
5- Added a validation step and created a rule using this flag column and got 3.182 rows failed;
6- Took a snapshot of the failed rows in the end;
Here is the workflow;
Here is the dmx file;