Profiling multiple dataset
In the Latest version I see there is an option of using multiple datasets in Profile and use all columns. Is there any documentation how to use it as I can not use multiple dataset in the same Profile Transformation
Can I create Interactivity Snapshot when unioning multiple Profiles from different datasets
Hi, I am new to ADS. I want to make a dashboard a single widget, the widget would be the profile results of 2+ different tables To do this I have profiled two tables, and have unioned them. I then take a snapshot of the union. However, when I create a new dataset as part of the snapshot step, I do not have the…
Profiling many datasets of different schemas
To profile thousands of datasets easily, you can create a reusable workflow with a replaceable source. However, if each of the datasets have a different schema, you will have to determine what is the most number of columns a dataset can have and use a generic schema with generic column names in your workflow. Assuming your…
The importance of profiling when using Find duplicates
When implementing Find duplicates in Aperture Data Studio we've seen many examples of the importance of profiling prior to configuring and running Find duplicates. This has the potential to benefit both the performance of the Find duplicates step as well as the quality of potential duplicates found. Find duplicates works…