Delimited csv file creation using Export step
Hi, We are using Experian Aperture Data Studio version and have changed the settings to accept csv delimiter to pipe (|) But there is a requirement to delimit csv files based on runtime configurations. Is there a way to define the delimiter in the export step while writing datasets as csv likely from a parameter?
Use a value in your data as the export file name
If you are looking to use a value in your data as the export file name, you may have looked at the Export step and realized that it does not allow you to directly select a value from your data as a filename component. However, you can actually use a workflow parameter as a filename component to achieve this. You will have…
Input source filename as export filename
Hi All! Could you please let me know how can I automatically add the input source filename to the export filename in the workflow? I can get the input filename with the metadata, but how can I add somehow as a parameter to make it the exported file's name? Many thanks! Kind regards, Vera
How to set up an export file name based on a fixed or variable input
In this article, we will be exploring a number of ways to set up an export file name. Imagine you start with a simple workflow where you have a Source step and Export step. You want to export the source data to a csv file on the server export directory. Use default export file name By default, the filename consists of two…