Can we add a hyperlink to the e-mail notification?
Best Answer
Hi @Vera O,
Thanks for your post. Short answer is that yes you can add a URL or a direct link to the export folder in your email notifications from Data Studio.
When you're setting up your notifications/automations you can use the '@' sign to link to the workflowURL dynamically, but you can also put your own links in too, for example:
Hope this helps!
Hi Danny!
Thanks for your answer - yes the workflow URL I was able to add but when I'm adding the path to the export folder this is not appearing as a hyperlink in the e-mail but as plain text.
The URLs (starting with https) are fine, it appears as a link.
Many thanks!
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Ah I see, right you are. I'll get this raised with our product team. Thanks Vera
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Thanks Danny!
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Unsure if this will work in all cases (see the part about security) will need testing