How to convert a value using if-then-else?

edited December 2023 in General


I've created the following function to convert an input to zero if the input equals to null and to return the value if it is not null. However, the if-then-else step states that function must return True or False which is not the output required. Could you please have look into it and advise the way forward.

Many thanks in anticipation.


  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator
    edited July 2022

    Hi Marco

    Is this Function a a rule within the Validate step? If so it is expecting the output to be True/False. In v2.7.6 we added the ability to Ignore values such as Nulls when using Validate

    If it is a Transform that you are trying to achieve then I think you can simplify "convert an input to zero if the input equals to null and to return the value if it is not null" to a single function:

    Your function does the first bit, checking null and returning zero, but returns true/false for the Else rather than the value. You have selected your Variable rather than 'Input' column.

    Hope this helps