Does Aperture has the feature of Fuzzy Matching on Name/Company Name?
We do have company names but it is maintained in different system in a different way. in One system it is xxx oy in another system it is xxx only. There are many scenarios like that. So do we have any feature in Aperture to identify with Fuzzy Matching Technique?
Best Answer
Hi Mahulima
The short answer is yes, but you would need to share some further detail on the problem you are trying to solve. Is it always a suffix that makes the names different? What do you want to happen when a match is found between two values? How closely do they need to match to be a match?
If you have a full correct list of names to match against then you could possibly use a Lookup step with a match-type like denoise or soundex
For Fuzzy Matching here are a couple of discussions/articles that might help
Hope that helps as a starting point