Enabling LDAP

Sueann See
Sueann See Experian Super Contributor
edited December 2023 in General

In case you haven't noticed, LDAP has been introduced since Aperture Data Studio v2.0.11.

Go to Settings>Security to set up the LDAP properties.

Once this is set up, you can test the connection to the ldap server. A message will be shown to indicate whether the connection is successful or has failed.

Once the connection has been set up, you can then set up a user to use LDAP authentication.

Go to System>Users. When adding a new user or editing an existing user, you should be able to select LDAP and MS Active Directory server as an authentication mechanism and enter the LDAP ID.


  • Sueann See
    Sueann See Experian Super Contributor

    Additional Notes:

    • this does not affect connections using REST API/API token.
    • account locking settings (maximum login attempts, account lockout time period) does not apply for users using LDAP.
  • Henry Simms
    Henry Simms Administrator

    Here's a useful commandline command for finding LDAP servers available on your domain:

    nslookup -type=srv _ldap._tcp.%USERDNSDOMAIN%

  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator

    Note that LDAPS has been deprecated and LDAP should be used, it will automatically negotiate a secure connection over port 389