Group Step > Being able to select and right click view multiple rows in groups

Jacky Lu
Jacky Lu Experian Employee

What problem are you facing?

When the Group step is used, we can only view rows in group on one value.

What impact does this problem have on you/your business?

Feedback received of this not being user friendly and having to exit the screen to be able to get to the multiple filtered values.

Do you have any existing workarounds? If so, please describe those.

Cannot look at multiple values within the group step so a user would need to exit this step and user other steps such as filter, split, lookup etc to get to the desired results.

Do you have any suggestions to solve the problem? Feel free to add images if this helps.

Allow for multiple select and view rows in groups instead of only being able to look at rows within one group.

5 votes

Planning · Last Updated

Development team are investigating the effort to make this change