REST API: get dataset list and their information

Slimani Member
edited December 2023 in General


We are looking to identify all datasets (of all spaces) that are in autorefresh.

When we use the REST API: datasets and getApiKeyInfo, we get datasets lists with many information but we don't have :

Attached is an example of getApiKeyInfo api response regarding the table AUSP

Is there any REST API which allows to get all datasets lists (of all spaces) and providing autorefresh and batches information ?

Thank you in advance for your help

Best regards



  • This is the url that we use

    Best regards

  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator

    Unfortunately, the Dataset APIs do not include the two 'Allow' settings you have highlighted. It is something we could possibly add in future if customers would find useful

    The error you added above, you can request all Datasets in a Space

    TenancyId is the environment, so likely 1 and SpaceId you can loop through, 1,2,3 etc. Or use Space API to list them if there are many

  • Sueann See
    Sueann See Experian Super Contributor

    @Slimani what is the problem you are trying to solve by retrieving the list of datasets that has auto refreshed turn on?

  • Hi Sueann,

    Thank you for your reactivity.

    We need to check if all our dataset are well configured, so we need to check the rehfresh and the batches also.

    Best regards