Do you have a need for Pivot/Unpivot steps?

As part of our product discovery activities, we would like to find out if any of our clients have a use case for pivoting or unpivoting data. If you do, we'd like to hear about it. Please leave us a message and we'll get in touch.
We're using the pivot step to swap between the customer data structure coming out of our ERP, to a flattened dataset that Experian can use for matching. Eventually we will probably need to unpivot this dataset so we can write the changes back into our ERP - haven't finished our implemntation yet.
The number of contact details stored against a name in our ERP is effectively unlimited, so by pivoting in Experian we can pick the top 3 valid phone/address/email etc and limit matching to those.
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Thanks @Simon I will contact you for more details.
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Hi, any updates on a true Pivot/Unpivot step? Thanks