Date formatting

I've lost the month in this date format - any suggestions?
(not a lot to go on in the help here)
Thanks @Nigel Light
Best Answer
Hello @Nigel Light , the Date format string must be dd/MM/yyyy where "MM" (all capitals) is the month. Hope that sorts the date format. Regards, Pavan
Thanks @Pavan Rao
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This question comes up quite a bit, so here's the full list of letters used in the date and time patterns, and what they mean:
- G: Era designator (AD)
- y: Year (1996, 96)
- Y: Week year (2009, 09)
- M: Month in year (July, Jul, 07)
- w: Week in year
- W: Week in month
- D: Day in year
- d: Day in month
- F: Day of week in month
- E: Day name in week (Tuesday, Tue)
- a: Am/pm marker
- H: Hour in day (0-23)
- k: Hour in day (1-24)
- K: Hour in am/pm (0-11)
- h: Hour in am/pm (1-12)
- m: Minute in hour
- s: Second in minute
- S: Millisecond
Pattern letters can often be repeated, and the number determines the exact presentation. For example:
- E will display "Tue", EEEE will display "Tuesday"
- M will display "7", MM "07", MMM "Jul", and MMMM "July"
- y will display "2020", yy "20"
Text can be added using single quotes (
):- yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS will display 2020-11-10T13:20:19.124
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Brilliant - very comprehensive and useful
Thanks @Henry Simms
@Steve FarrSuggestion that this should this be added to the User Help screens for the product as I am pretty sure it isn't available (I couldn't find it anyway, though I do have previous by failing to find the tomato sauce in the kitchen cupboard even when it was right in front of me!)