Export directory changes in v2.1.2
Hi all,
I’m writing this post to inform you all on the upcoming change to the Export directory in v2.1.2. Prior to v2.1.2, there is only 1 export directory and all files generated from the export step will be exported to this single folder regardless of the environment or space.
What changes can you expect for the Export directory in v2.1.2?
- When an environment is created, a corresponding folder (named after the environment’s External label) will be created under the Export folder.
- When a Space is created, a corresponding folder (named after the External label) will be created under the respective Environment folder.
- Renaming the external label of the environment/space will cause the names of the respective folders to be renamed as well.
- When an environment/space is deleted, the corresponding folders will be deleted as well.
Please see below for an example of the directory structure for the Export folder.
What is the impact when upgrading to v2.1.2 from an older Data Studio version?
- External label for Spaces will be defaulted if previously empty as this is now a mandatory field.
- Existing files in `export` folder will be moved to a new folder called `archive` to keep the root export folder clean.
- Folders will be created for each existing environment and space.