How to register and manage your account

Tanj Jagpal
Tanj Jagpal Administrator
edited December 2023 in Welcome to the community

You need to register to post and comment, but don’t worry - it takes a couple of minutes.

  1. Click Register in the top menu.
  2. Fill in your details and click Register.
  3. You will receive an email asking you to verify your account and create a password.
  4. Finally you will be asked to provide a username - your display name visible to other users in the community forum.

Top tip: Some people prefer alias usernames for the sake of privacy and to help them feel more comfortable participating. Your username is how you appear to other members in the forum, so choose carefully. Your username cannot be your email address and must be at least 3 and no more than 20 characters in length. You can edit your username at any time by clicking on your profile picture/avatar in the top right of the screen and clicking 'Edit profile'.

I forgot my password

Don't worry, as you would expect, you can easily reset your password:

  1. Click Sign in in the top menu.
  2. Click Forgot your password? above the Password field.
  3. Enter your email address and click Request a new password.
  4. You'll receive an email with a link to reset your password.

Experian Employee?

As an Experian Employee, you can use the 'Log in with your ID' to sign in. This uses your existing Experian credentials and is automatically associated to your existing forum account. If you are new to the forum, you will be asked to provide a username (display name). Experian Employees are encouraged to use their full name as their username.

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