Unable to connect Amazon redshift database
We are trying to connect Amazon redshift database from aperture, and we are getting the below error while trying to connect.
com.experian.aperturedatastudio.redshift.jdbc.base.fv: [ApertureDataStudio][Redshift JDBC Driver]Error establishing socket to host and port: vpce-022ce0981b8a33815-3nauo24j.vpce-svc-06dfbc5d949115b9e.eu-west-2.vpce.amazonaws.com:5439. Reason: Connection timed out: connect
Could you please check and let me know if we need to install any other drivers.
Uma Devi k
"Generally, when you receive an error message indicating that there is a failure to establish a connection, it is an issue with permission to access the cluster or with network traffic reaching the cluster."
Think you need to talk to your Amazon AWS administrator