UX improvement - connecting Workflow steps

Mirjam Schuke
Mirjam Schuke Administrator
edited November 2024 in Ideas board

Submitting on behalf of a user:

What problem are you facing?

Sometimes it can be a bit tricky connecting two workflow steps that have ended up far apart.

What impact does this problem have on you/your business?

It's a bit fiddly and slightly more time consuming.

Do you have any existing workarounds? If so, please describe those.

I have to drag the steps close together or drag the connector across the screen.  

Do you have any suggestions to solve the problem? Feel free to add images if this helps.

It would be quite useful if you could select the two nodes and then just right click and select connect (or something similar).

5 votes

Gathering interest · Last Updated


  • Yes, would love something like this!

  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator
    edited November 2024

    @Kirsty Hyde why have the steps "ended up far apart"? Is it from clicking the step in the left-hand list (which adds a step on the canvas to the right of existing steps) and if it is then are you aware you can click the output node on a step to add a step (rather than the left list)?

  • Kirsty Hyde
    Kirsty Hyde Experian Employee
    edited November 2024

    Hi @Josh Boxer, sometimes the workflow expands as you carry out a number of functions or you may need to join back to an earlier stage to match back the results of some further processing for example. It's not something that happens all the time but when it does it can just be a bit tricky to connect them. See image for example of how connections can get quite long.

  • @Kirsty Hyde I have some workflows that look like that!