Automations and notifications.

if I want to trigger automation if any workflow failed in that space. is that true for that case as well. I was going through some documentation.

Data Quality user documentation | Automations and notifications

so here i would want the same for workflow failure. any workflow fails in that space, i want the event to trigger in that automation, for ex. send mail,
instead of making automations for each workflows separately.
br, HS @Ian Hayden please guide.


  • example, my schedule runs 7 wfs,
    i dont want to create automation for wf failure , and separte event in each automation for those 7 wf, failures,
    i want to do that in single automation for that workspace, can i do that? @Ian Hayden

  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator
    edited October 2024

    You have understood the documentation correctly. You can optionally use a filter that applies to the 7 Workflows used in the schedule, ie they have some value in the name or External label that other Workflows do not have, so that the notification is not sent for every Workflow that fails in the Space.

  • thank you, this helps. Br, HS

  • in case of workflow name equals to filter?
    and i have multiple events in same automation,
    is it AND operation,
    or is it OR operation?

  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator

    Filters are an AND, so if you select 'Workflow name' more than once you will see a warning that you could see get a conflict

  • yes, i got that, i m using your previously suggested contains .. filter.
    and for those that does not match string, i m creating separate automations, with equals operator, to avoid confusion.
    br, HS