Inquiry Regarding Royal Mail Address Database Updates

Good afternoon,

We are currently using the "Validate Addresses" step to check UPRNs. However, we have observed a significant number of addresses—where we already know the UPRN—that are returning empty during validation.

Could you please confirm how frequently the Royal Mail address database is refreshed?

Thank you for your assistance.


  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator
    edited October 14

    UK AddressBase Premium with Islands dataset (APX) Customers can use UPRN or UDPRN (Unique Property/Delivery Point Reference Number) as inputs to search for a corresponding address.
    "Update Frequency: Every six weeks"

    Get the latest:

  • Henry Simms
    Henry Simms Administrator
    edited October 14

    Hi Marco - I can see you're licensed for UK Location Essentials data, which combines Royal Mail PAF address data with data from the Ordnance Survey to attach UPRNs (and coordinates) to Delivery Points. More on page 34 of the GBR data guide. This data us updated monthly.

    We observe that UPRN is populated for around 96% of delivery points, and where it is missing there can be a number of causes, including:

    1. Location Essential data only covers mainland Great Britain, meaning PAF addresses in Northern Ireland, Channel Islands and Isle of Man are not included. They are in Location Complete (see the above link). This is the primary reason why UPRNs are not returned for a PAF address when using Location Essential.
    2. There are a small number of addresses in mainland Great Britain which are recorded differently or inconsistently between Royal Mail and the OS, and hence for which UPRNs cannot be assigned to PAF addresses.
    3. A Delivery Point (UDPRN) may cover multiple UPRNs, meaning a single UPRN cannot easily be assigned.

    As Josh mentions, we have other Data products such as the AddressBase dataset that will have a complete coverage of UPRN, or allow UPRN lookup.