All Schedules information?


I'm looking for a way to be able to view details of all the Schedules that exist within our environment. I'm thinking details like space, schedule name, recurrence pattern and workflows ran by it.

Is there a way to surface this information via API or otherwise?




  • Tanj Jagpal
    Tanj Jagpal Administrator

    @Henry Simms @Pavan Rao @Job is this something that you could help Mike with?

  • Henry Simms
    Henry Simms Administrator

    There isn't a way to pull out this information using the current REST API, but I can certainly see why it would be useful. I think it's another one that would fall under this idea:

    I think there may be some work currently being done in this area of the product, something that @Josh Boxer may be able to comment on

  • Ivan Ng
    Ivan Ng Administrator
    edited June 21

    Hi Mike & Henry,

    Yes, we're doing some work to expand on the current REST APIs, and they're being released in phases (first of which can be found in 2.14.4). Listing schedules is however not part of the scope. I'll get that looked into. Thanks.

  • Thanks @Ivan Ng, just saw that a call to get all Workflows has already been added which was something we'd been hoping for, so we need to get upgrading!

    If there was any way to also expose the Associations to the API, that would be fantastic too as would help us get a full picture of what we've got in system.

  • Ivan Ng
    Ivan Ng Administrator

    Hi @Mike Pearson,

    APIs to list schedules (all or within a space) as well as retrieving details of a specific Schedule has been made available in v2.15.5.