How to add Retention and Confidentially Classifications to Datasets uploaded to ADS


Hello Data Enthusiasts,

I'm currently facing a bit of challenge and seeking some guidance from the community.

I am looking to add Retention and Confidentiality Classifications to each field of Data during the Ingestion of data onto ADS. I'm looking to ensure that we're keeping the data for the appropriate length of time and that sensitive information is adequately protected by classifying the fields.

I've been digging through Forum posts and documentation and cannot find any clear instructions on how to implement this. One idea is to Tag the columns during the Annotation stage for example add a tag like "7 Year Retention" and "Highly Confidential (PII)".

I hope to get some advice if anyone has tackled similar challenge before. If you could share your insights on how to go about adding these Classifications and any tips or best practice ideas would also be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in Advance.

Best Answer


  • Jasper
    Jasper Member

    That's a great Josh I'll keep an eye out for the feature. Is there a way to autotag using metadata. I.e. If we had a list of field names with the sensitivity flag next to them in a CSV that we load into ADS. Is there any sort of pattern we could build in ADS where we match ADS metadata against the CSV to streamline the tagging?


  • Josh Boxer
    Josh Boxer Administrator

    @Ivan Ng please can you reach out to Jasper to discuss their tagging needs in line with your current project. Thanks