Compare two data sources

Mirjam Schuke
Mirjam Schuke Administrator
edited March 2024 in Feature demos

The Compare step allows you to detect and highlight differences between two data sources, e.g. year on year sales data or monthly customer sign ups. There are 3 outputs available to help determine if changes are as expected or if not, need further investigation.

  1. Results by key: quickly see if records have changed based on the expectations set.
  2. Summary: differences between the two data sources, e.g. total records, missing and changed records, columns compared and the number of changes per column.
  3. Detailed comparison: differences between columns compared side by side.

It is possible to exclude columns that are not of interest and you can set the type of comparison per column, e.g. Equals, More than, Less than. There is also the option to define the strictness for an Equals comparison.​

The Compare step update was released in v2.13 in January 2024.