Unable to connect HDI cluster from Experian production server.

Uma Member
edited February 20 in General

Best Answer

  • Henry Simms
    Henry Simms Administrator
    edited February 20 Answer ✓

    When using the Hive driver to connect to HDInsight, you'll need to specify the databaseName connection property, populated with the name of the internal or external database in your cluster that you want to connect to. If not specified, this defaults to default. For connection to an HDInsight cluster on Azure, you'll probably also need to specify the following properties:

    • TransportMode=http
    • EncryptionMethod=SSL
    • HTTPPath=Path of HTTPS endpoint

    For example:


  • Uma
    Uma Member

    We are unable to connect the HDI cluster from the Experian production environment due to the below error. We have checked from admin perspective and all the access levels are in place. Also we have enabled the network firewall for the HDI cluster from production server and the connection is getting established without any issues.

    com.experian.aperturedatastudio.hive.jdbc.base.fu: [ApertureDataStudio][Hive JDBC Driver]The driver was unable to switch to the specified database name: default

  • Uma
    Uma Member

    Hi Henry,

    As mentioned, i have added the database property and now am able to connect the HDI cluster without any issues.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Uma
    Uma Member
    edited February 27

    Hi Henry,

    We are unable to connect one of this particular HDI DB(Prod_NEPDB_BI) from  Experian production environment due to the below error. But we are able to connect all other DB’s except this DB.We have checked from admin perspective and all the access levels are in place. Could you please help us to resolve the below issue.

  • Henry Simms
    Henry Simms Administrator

    Hi @Uma - I've investigated a few things but I can't see what the problem is with this one unfortunately. All the error message is saying is that the database couldn't be reached, but there's no specific cause.

    Temporarily enabling the Debug Connections option on this External System, then testing the credentials again, and then viewing the server log (datastudio.log, which can be found in %%DirName.ROOT%%\data\log) may give more information on the cause of the connection failure.