Matching Rules

Hi there, I would like to Match Names (Forename and Surname) we addresses, but would like to exclude initials. Ideally I want to them to match unless the Forename has only one character or only a initial, is that possible? How do I set up this?

The new page is looking very nice by the way 😊


  • Tanj Jagpal
    Tanj Jagpal Administrator

    Hey @M.Lambert thank you for kind words! @Danny Roden / @Henry Simms do you have any tips that you could share for this?

  • Danny Roden
    Danny Roden Administrator
    edited December 2023
    Hi @M.Lambert - sounds interesting, could you provide a couple of dummy examples to illustrate what you’re trying to achieve?
  • M.Lambert
    M.Lambert Contributor

    Wow, I wrote this in a rush and it is very confusing, sorry about that πŸ˜„

    I think I find the answer already but thanks anyway.

  • Tanj Jagpal
    Tanj Jagpal Administrator

    Haha - I am glad you managed to figure it out! If you do have any more questions, we are always happy to help!

  • Tanj Jagpal
    Tanj Jagpal Administrator

    @M.Lambert it would actually be great if you could share how you figured this out for the problem you were trying to solve. I am sure other community members would find it very useful!

  • M.Lambert
    M.Lambert Contributor

    Sure! Sorry for taking so long to come back on that but what I did was actually really simple. I took it off this part of the matching rules: ForenameCompare[InitialVsFullName]

    But after analysing the results I put it back 😁