Date formats...

Earlier today I received the below email from a customer which I wanted to post on here in case the answer is of use to others:
I was wondering if you could help me overcome an issue I have been facing in Aperture.
When uploading a file to Aperture through the “Add Dataset” section, in the “Define settings” menu there is a Language and Region list. This is auto assigned to English (United States). However, this poses a problem, as the date format we receive our files in is DD/MM/YYYY, the US format transposes the dd/mm, so instead of 01/02/2023, we end up with 02/01/2023. I have tried to counter this issue by changing the Language and region to English (United Kingdom) but it then reads the date in as 01-Feb-2023 when we require it to stay as 01/02/2023.
Do you have any advise on how to read in the date in the correct format?
These settings are defined to allow Data Studio to parse dates into the ‘date’ format (which is represented in the UI as defined in the ‘data handling’ settings in Data Studio):
By default this is dd-MMM-yyyy, but you can update it to what you like, for example:
When Data Studio has parsed a date, it unlocks the ability to treat it as a date in functions (e.g. calculate age, greater/less than, date difference etc.)
If you simply want the data to be presented in the UI exactly as it was when it was imported then you can always select ‘alphanumeric’ when importing to leave it as it was.