Challenge 6 Solutions

Henry Simms
So did you figure it out? What approach did you take?
Post your solution below in the comments (remember to include a screenshot 📷 or a video 🎦 walk-through of your solution so others can see as well as the .dmxd file containing the function/workflow containing your solution.)
I had a go at this using the messy file. Wanted to solve it without using Regex (both for performance and simplicity), but did notice a couple of stray characters (Й and Ї) that slipped through the net!
- Remove/clean all non-alphanumeric characters including spaces and uppercase whatever is left
- Check the length of the cleaned string is 5-7 characters else replace with null/blank
- Extract right 4 characters as Right
- Pad with spaces remaining left characters to required length
- Concat padded left and Right strings
- Re-jig steps 3,4&5 for the different columns
var Clean = UpperCase(RemoveNoise([c:Messy_Postcode], false, false, true, false));
-- Remove non-alphanumeric and spaces then uppercase
var Cleaned = IfThenElse(MultiCompare(Length([v:Clean]),false,false,true,{('Greater than',4), ('Less than',8)}),[v:Clean],null);
-- Check Clean length else NULL
var Right 4 = Substring([v:Cleaned],Subtract(Length([v:Cleaned]),3),Length([v:Cleaned]));
-- Take right 4 characters from Cleaned
var Left = Strip([v:Cleaned], [v:Right 4]);
-- Strip the Right 4 characters to create Left
var First char = Substring([v:Left], 1, 1);
Concatenate([v:First char],Pad(Strip([v:Left], [v:First char]),2,Space,false),Substring([v:Right 4], 1, 1),Space,Substring([v:Right 4], 2, 4))0